Who Are We?

The Failed Attempt is one writer's blog designed to expose the author's work to criticism, cynicism and enjoyment. It is updated whenever the author actually has the time to do so, but at least once a week is what we're aiming for. Please leave comments. Let us know just how much you love us... Cuz you know you do.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Seattle '09

So, I'm kind of not at home right now. You all know how I was going camping over the weekend and supposedly I was going to get home on Sunday. Turns out, I went in the totally opposite direction instead! I am now visiting awesome friends in Seattle, Washington, USA, and, of course, I came ill prepared. My gear is all at home. Thus, posting will be erratic and mostly off topic. I will try and have posts up on time, but, basically, I cannot guarantee anything. I am sorry that it has to be this way, but it has to be this way. 

In the meantime, here are a list of websites that I love. Check 'em out and maybe they will edify you.
www.futureomega.blogspot.com (bet you didn't see that one coming)
jwow.insane-gamerz.com (World of Warcraft private server with instructions on how to work that out if you're cheap like me)
www.butserancientarm.co.uk (this is where I get a lot of information on the round houses featured in the UFP. Honestly, I really want to go see this place in person. I also want to build my own round house...)
http://druidnetwork.org (Wacked, but kinda fun in its ways. Just interesting, basically...)
www.questionablecontent.net (Its a webcomic, so it is in no way bad.)

I'll just leave you with that for now.