To include you guys in said Joy, this post is going to be about camp with regularly scheduled programming to return on Friday. I am sorry that you did not get this post on time. That was due to an especially annoying Accounting test, which I will probably blog about later since it was especially odious. Anyway, I give you an insider's look at Youth Retreat 2009!!!
But what is this! Much to my surprise, there seems to be a gift waiting just above my head. As a curious person, I do actually remove the gift from its hiding place and take a gander at its contents. I was just getting interested when AHHHHH!!
Oops, sorry. I accidentally fell out of bed. It is early in the morning after all. They wake us up early at camp. There are showers to take, which, of course is quite an ordeal with eight girls to one cabin. After that, at about eight of the clock are the devotions for the day, consisting of Morning Prayer and Holy Communion from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. It is quite beautiful in the early morning air with the combined voices of about twenty youth raised in song.
Anyway, back to the message. I right myself in the bed again as Megan, my neighbor to the right peers at me from under her covers. I guess I made quite a din falling out of bed because most of the other girls are also rousing themselves from peaceful slumbers. All except for Emily. She seems to be able to sleep through anything, Lord love her. I ignore the noises of waking and unfold the gift. It seems to be a postcard of Donner Summit, of all things. Keep in mind that Donner Summit is 75 miles away from the camp. So how did our lonely little postcard end up here?
Thinking that perhaps the other side of the card might tell its story, I quickly turned it over,
It was a hard note to decipher, let me tell you. This coming from a girl who has worse handwriting than most. As best as I could make out, the note said: "Hi Erik! You're bark [I suppose that has to be "back"] at CGC, you lucky guy! I'll bet this camp experience will be better than the last. Your church family books [looks] forward to hearing all about this special week in your life. See you soon! (smily face)" For the life of me, I can't read the signature.
Upon reading the greeting, my first thought was, Erik the Red attended Church Camp? *gasp* No, no, that could not be right. Of course, Erik the Red had been dead for thousands of years, unfortunately. He would have been an excellent addition to any camp. I hear he was a most excellent clog-dancer-dude (No, I did not make this up.). What other Erik could it have been? Of course, we have our own Eric, but he spells his name with a C, E-R-I-C. So it couldn't be him. And our Eric bears no resemblance to Erik the Red. Which of course made me wonder if Eric could dance in clogs. This is a theory that has yet to be tested.
Short of dusting for fingerprints, I could make out nothing else about our mysterious postcard. It seemed to be on a mission, but what could that mission be? Encouragement? To fund the U. S. Postal Service with 44 cents? Boy, they really over paid on postage. To puzzle unsuspecting girls with big imaginations? To inform the world that more than one Erik, no matter what spelling attended church camp? *gasp* Or were they really Vikings come to conquer the CGC? I just could not stop thinking about it!

1 comment:
arrrrrrr! eric the sparkly vampire!
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