Who Are We?

The Failed Attempt is one writer's blog designed to expose the author's work to criticism, cynicism and enjoyment. It is updated whenever the author actually has the time to do so, but at least once a week is what we're aiming for. Please leave comments. Let us know just how much you love us... Cuz you know you do.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Independence Day

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to wish you a very happy Independence Day! We owe so much to this great country of ours and even on its own holiday, America gives back to us. While we take three day weekends, it works 24/7. While we go to sleep at night trusting ourselves to God's care, it is always watchful of our safety. America is God's instrument for our well-being. We must remain ever proud and ever loyal to the United States of America.

Generally, you would expect to see a new part of the UFP (Untitled Fiction Piece) here in this spot, but the UFP is taking a day off. I'm having trouble with my editor. UFP will be back on Teusday, I promise. In the meantime, I shall be doing nothing in particular and suffering from the 75 degree byproduct of global warming. Be safe and have fun.

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