A is for Awesome, and
Always care;
B is for best friend,
And hugs like a Bear;
C is for cheesy
(you knew that went here);
D is for dad,
And Dork, and Dear;
E is for easy -
To talk to, really;
F is for father
Who we love most dearly;
G is for group hug,
No, please,not really!
H is for hamburgers,
Grilled to perfection;
I is for Intellgent,
Insightful, Inspection;
J is for John (Oh, Lordy, oh),
K is for Kathy,
Who you love, we know
Cuz we’re here today;
L is for Lydia,
(And Marshall is somewhere in there, Okay?);
M is for money,
Which you give so freely,
Despite how unhelpful we are daily;
N is for nearly rid of us both,
LAK never looked so good,
We hope;
O is for open minded,
And ornery;
P is for perfect,
Not our opinion only;
Q is the one letter
I don’t have a rhyme for;
R is for responsible,
Always and forever;
S is for Super,
T is Today,
U had better Have a
Happy Father’s Day!
V is for this Very sentimental,
Webb Written greeting,
X is the spot where we hid your chocolate,
And Z is the end with one
Last Admonition,
Don’t ever forget that, of course,

From John (left), me (center), to Dad (right).
Always care;
B is for best friend,
And hugs like a Bear;
C is for cheesy
(you knew that went here);
D is for dad,
And Dork, and Dear;
E is for easy -
To talk to, really;
F is for father
Who we love most dearly;
G is for group hug,
No, please,not really!
H is for hamburgers,
Grilled to perfection;
I is for Intellgent,
Insightful, Inspection;
J is for John (Oh, Lordy, oh),
K is for Kathy,
Who you love, we know
Cuz we’re here today;
L is for Lydia,
(And Marshall is somewhere in there, Okay?);
M is for money,
Which you give so freely,
Despite how unhelpful we are daily;
N is for nearly rid of us both,
LAK never looked so good,
We hope;
O is for open minded,
And ornery;
P is for perfect,
Not our opinion only;
Q is the one letter
I don’t have a rhyme for;
R is for responsible,
Always and forever;
S is for Super,
T is Today,
U had better Have a
Happy Father’s Day!
V is for this Very sentimental,
Webb Written greeting,
X is the spot where we hid your chocolate,
And Z is the end with one
Last Admonition,
Don’t ever forget that, of course,
From John (left), me (center), to Dad (right).
And for the rest of the dads out there, The Future Omega and its author wishes you the happiest of Father's Days.
Yo, Your "Y" Yarn Yearns to be less Yonder.
I totally forgot the Y. Thanks for pointing that out.
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