Who Are We?

The Failed Attempt is one writer's blog designed to expose the author's work to criticism, cynicism and enjoyment. It is updated whenever the author actually has the time to do so, but at least once a week is what we're aiming for. Please leave comments. Let us know just how much you love us... Cuz you know you do.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Just a Quick Update

Hey, Guys! Its getting late here where I am and I have three very mournful doggies who look at me sending brainwaves that say, "Where is our bedtime treat?" So, of course (sucker that I am), I will make this relatively quick.

That wonderful Untitled Fiction Piece (which has been the bane of my existence all day) has come to a wonderful point in progress. In fact, I think it is fair to say that Chapter One has been successfully finished! Yay! It isn't the furthest I've gotten in this particular storyline, but it is a milestone of sorts. It speaks to a level of organization I have not achieved until now.

Never fear, work will continue. Tomorrow I attend the fun day for the Bay Area Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club (for more info on this club and these wonderful dogs see http://www.backcsc.com/index.htm). Its an all day thing and depending on the schedule (http://www.backcsc.com/CavalierFunDay09.pdf) I may have time to do some more work for y'all.

So, good night and have fun, you guys. If there is alcohol involved, please drink one for me! Sláinte!

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