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The Failed Attempt is one writer's blog designed to expose the author's work to criticism, cynicism and enjoyment. It is updated whenever the author actually has the time to do so, but at least once a week is what we're aiming for. Please leave comments. Let us know just how much you love us... Cuz you know you do.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

completely unpunctuated

have you ever had dunkin donuts? i have, and i don't see what all the fuss is about. and their coffee? not that great! now they're selling it at costco for home use. why? why would i spend ten bucks on coffee i can get elsewhere? seriously, what am i paying for? just the name, dunkin donuts. and what is with that name? dunkin'? nobody dunks their donuts anymore. its oldfashioned and out dated. i suppose you'll find some fat cop who turns his lights on just to get into the donut shop dunkin' his apple fritter in his bad dunkin donuts coffee, but he's the exception, not the rule. i don't dunk my donuts. do you? do you dunk your donuts, friend? answer me truthfully, now. this is the beginning of a worldwide survey, do people really dunk their donuts? ask your friends that question and leave me a comment because i really want to know. i'm going to ask my friends, you ask yours. because i want to know! i think this is an important piece of information that the common people of the world should have access to. non-dunking donut eaters unite, and root out that evil which is dunking donut eaters. There, mar would be proud of that statement. he was all about uniting to sad, pointless causes. seriously, if you ever actually read his communist manifesto, that is what you will see. the only impact it had was on philosophers whose job it is to ponder the insane ideas of raving lunatics. they get paid for that. but do the common people, no! nobody cares! besides, all the countries who have engaged in communism, the only people who are wealthy are the people running the commune! that's not fair! that makes them the elite, and communism is all about destroying any elitism whatsoever. equal portions to unequal workers, that's their point. modern communism has totally forgotten that. capitalism is the only system where everyone who is anyone's nobody can make a fair amount of wealth that is equal to their work. that's fair. if i work for fifty cents to buy a candy bar, then i should get my candy bar all to myself, right? well, communism is i work for fifty cents to buy a candybar, and i have to share it with my profligate brother who sat on his ass all day long while i worked. did he earn any part of that condy bar? of course not! so i should not have to share with him. especially if that candy bar happens to be my favorite kind of candy bar, which is reeses, by the way. and i never share a reeses candy bar, no friggin way! so you see, that's the difference between capitalism and communism, whether you have to share a candy bar, or you can have it all to yourself. which do you prefer? which brings me to another point, anyone who says they want to share a candy bar with you, is nuts! or on a diet which happens occasionally, but are they actually sharing because they want to? no, they're sharing because to eat the whole thing would put them over their calorie count or because it means an extra hour at the gym when they'd actually prefer to be home with their family, doing something else that hopefully doesn't involve the diet busting candy bar. so they don't count in this discussion of people who want to give their candy bar away, they do so to sacrifice for a higher cause or a smaller waistline atleast. so, all this discussion goes to prove is that no one really wants to give their candy bar away, and if they say they do are either duped, lying, or its poisoned. which brings me to a final thought which we all know to be true, never accept candy bars from your enemies because the chances that the candy is poisoned are pretty high. so, that's life's lesson for the day: don't take candy bars from enemies because it'll probably be the last candy bar you ever eat.

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