Well, ladies and gentlemen, let me give you a little update. As we head into the weekend, I feel compelled to tell you what is going on in my life. I'm fine.
Okay, so there's a bit more than that. First of all, I have completed the initial draft of what is the pilot episode for my own television show. FOX is sure to pick it up any day now, because its brilliant. Actually, that's not true. In my mind, FOX wants to pick it up, but in reality not even my own mother thinks its a good idea. How comforting.
Second, I can promise you all a little taste of my World Literature II class. Let me just say that a French play has never sounded more like California until now. Yes, we're reading Moliere's Tartuffe. Its a wonderful piece of work and I highly recommend that when you have little else to do and inclination to read in rhyme that you pick up a copy of the play and read it to yourself, if you can keep from giggling long enough to do so. Sometime this weekend, about the same time I type it up for my class, you'll be able to read Tartuffe, by Moliere, adapted by Yours Truly and Her Classmate.
Third, on a more political note, for those of my readers in Nebraska, Senator Ben Nelson will be on Creighton's campus tomorrow talking about Healthcare Reform. I will be in attendance. I'll let you know if I laugh or cry, or a bit of both, but either way I have to get some video for the folks back home. They don't believe me when I say that Nebraska is actually a state worthy of representation in the national government. Ah, stupid Californians... I do love thee.
And finally, I have made up my mind (just now, literally) to give you a sample of my pilot episode. Just a few scenes to generate interest and maybe get a few laughs. I just can't help but share.
Now, my friends, I have to wake up early tomorrow to be a guinea pig, I mean, research subject in a psychological study. Good night, y'all!